Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I’m aloud to say it.

I’m aloud to complain, or am I just being a whiny bitch? Pretty much the end of last year was shit and this year doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Last year I lost my job and got only disappointment from what few interviews I got. We had to find a new place to stay, so we had to take what we could get, which isn’t bad, but it’s not a farm. We had to sink our savings into our cars and this house, so even I got a halfway decent job now, we wouldn’t be able to get a farm. Brett is worried about losing his job, which he’s stressed at in the first place. We are just getting by and I am very thankful for that. I never wanted to be rich. I just wanted to make enough to be comfortable and own a farm. But I’m stuck. We own a house and that’s good. But I can’t put Katelin in the backyard. Makes we wonder if I’m going to have to board her all her life, or should I just give up and see if Ivy will take her. I just wonder where the future will take me. We really can’t afford to have kids right now, and how can I bring a kid in the world and let them dream, knowing it won’t come true. People are like, don’t think like that, your dream could still happen. But to me that seems like bullshit. I have lost my savings and if I do get a job again, it’s not likely I’ll make more than enough just to get by. Honestly if I can finally afford a farm after I turn 40 I’ll be pissed, because that is not the time to get a farm. I won’t have that many good physical years to keep up with the work and enjoy it and 40 is too old to start having kids. It just makes me want to scream.

The job market sucks. It’s flooded with the unemployed and I’m scared of getting another job, because I am scared of getting fired again. I’m scared to death of office jobs now. That and not being able to help Brett, is wearing me down. I have wonderful dreams then I wake up to reality and it hurts, so all I want to do is sleep and escape from it all. I lack the energy to do anything. I’m just tired and starting not to care. My meds can only do so much so I just have to deal.

Ah well. I better stop here. I have a headache and I’m crying now, at least I can cry again. It had dried up for awhile. Laters! Savvy?
