Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I’m movin’ on.

More like just moving, hopefully.

Well after the huge depression of finding out that we won’t even be able to afford to rent this place next year, I needed to take a breath and rethink things. Also being cooped up in the house caused a lot of issues. Thankfully my friend Lisa came to my rescue Saturday. We had a yummy lunch at Tokyo Buffet, then walked around the Mall. Other than ranting about the incredibly short shorts that kids are wearing these days, I got to vent about my life and came up with a couple solutions to my problems. I got to also meet her cat, and he was the purry cute.

But after all of that Brett and I set up going to see a repo down the street. It was way out of our range repair wise. I then explained to our agent our budget and if we couldn’t get a place with enough land for Katelin in that budget, if we reduce that even farther, we could afford a house that we can stay in a while and afford to keep boarding Katelin. Mom thought I was giving the realtor a impossible task, but after a moment of thought, the realtor said she had a place that was uber cheap and in great shape, that we could see right then. Brett agreed to go see it and away we went. Well it was a cute little house in town. 2 bed 1 bath with a garage and a big yard. The house shows it’s age in the hardware and kitchen, AKA green floor and antique gas stove. It needs a air conditioner, but it’s in great shape and cute. Right off the bat I started making a list of things to do. Air conditioner, update electric. redo kitchen floor, strip and stain the doors and cabinets, plane the door bottoms, Knock out the wall between the sunroom and living room, redo the flooring in sun room and turn it into a dinning room, add more cabinets and counter space in the kitchen, redo the counter and sink in the kitchen, add storage in the laundry room, put up a fence, add a security system, look into a master suite add on.

We put a bid in on the place, we should be able to get it. We won’t stay there forever, 3 years minimum, but with improvements, the resale value of that place will soar. I will most likely drive Brett crazy with my wanting of improvements, but it will all be for us when we are there and to gain more when we sell the place so we can get our dream home. Truthfully I’m excited. I’ll get to get creative my way and we will have a place of our own that we won’t have to move out of in a year. ^_^ I know Brett is nervous, but he likes the place. Everything will be fine.

Things are starting to look up a little. But now I must try to sleep. Laters!Savvy?


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