Monday, July 27, 2009

Stuck in a blah mood.

So much has happened and is going to happen. I really don’t know what to do.

We go to sign the papers for the mortgage app tonight. The inspection is next Monday and I have to start packing. Not just packing, sorting through our stuff to see what we keep and what goes into the garage sale. Being the pack rat I am, that does not make me happy. But we are moving into a smaller place and we just can’t fit all our stuff in it. Things are going to have to go that we haven’t messed with in the last couple of years. Like my old game systems. I’ll keep the PS2 and the game cube, but the sega saturn and the N64 are going have to go. I have to go through all my kitchen stuff and find out what has to go. I just won’t have the space for all of it.

I have worries though. Like will I be able to get rid of enough stuff. Can I keep the new house clean? I’m not good at that. It seems that when I clean up a room, it takes no time to get back to bad again. I just never have the will to keep up with it.

I don’t know what to do first. I would like on the day of closing use that day to clean the house and paint before we even move a thing in. Because once we start moving things in we won’t have the room to paint. Plus I need to put more cabinets in. There is just not enough cabinet space.

I want to be in there now. I want it over and done. I don’t like the transitional in-between feeling. There is nothing I can do about it though. I hate saying goodbye to this place. I’m already putting myself in the mindset of it’s not our place anymore. I need to be getting stuff done, but my un-sureness is keeping me in bed. I don’t know what to do.

I need to get out of bed and get ready for tonight. I don’t know if I can be Brett’s support on this anymore. I’m having a hard enough time keeping it together. Arrg! Can I just hide under a rock and someone call me when everything is done? I guess this is just home buying stress. But it will nice to have something that is truly home. That no one can tell me no I can’t do that to the place.

Well I have to get up and moving. Laters! Savvy?


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