Friday, June 12, 2009

Clean till your feet hurt.

Seriously, that’s what I did. But let me back up a bit.

Shank was sick all last night and had a fever this morning. The fever broke around 10 and he finally ate at noon. The vet said he just had a bug and is now getting over it. He gave me something to tame his upset stomach and he seems to be back to his normal self.

I took Shiner back to mom and dad’s she didn’t drink any while she was here, so I should only have her here for short visits.

When I got home I started cleaning. I didn’t get the dishes done. But I moved all the boxes into the back room bagged up all the trash and recyclables and they are ready to be dealt with. I cleared off the table and chairs. Then I cleared off the counter for some much needed space. I swept the kitchen floor. Then arranged the stuff by the wall. I cleaned up the main bath.The shower and floor need to be cleaned but everything else is clean in there. I even put one of those scrubbing bubbles gel blob in the toilet in a attempt to keep it clean. Because apparently with well water, no matter how much you flush it gets really nasty in the toilet fast.

I found out that CLR Bath and Kitchen cleaner is excellent for killing bugs. Two short direct sprays on a wolf spider and that sucker flips over on it’s back, twitches a bit, then Fuck Raid! I’m stocking up on CLR. Plus where ever you spray it, it cleans it. So it’s a bonus. I would also imagine that regular cleaning with the stuff would deter bugs from wanting to come around.

Today was my dad’s birthday, so he came over and I made him Hamburgers and a chocolate cake. I gotta say this, standing mixers are a gift from the goddess. I have never made a cake so quickly in my life. I gave dad a thing of chocolate covered peanuts, and he talked to me while I hobbled around the kitchen cooking. My feet hurt soooooo bad after all that cleaning I did. There was a lot of walking back and forth. But I had a good visit with dad. I hope he did too. I made sure he left with a big Tupperware of cake. Rory loved visiting with her grandpa. She put on her charm to him, giving him her best cute faces. She even sat on one of the chairs at the table while we ate. I gave her a couple pieces of cheese and dad called her spoiled. Shank even visited with him for a short bit, but wasn’t happy when dad helped me give him his medicine.

We talked for about 3 hours and then dad headed home. Brett was asleep the whole time. Poor guy was just worn out from worrying about Shank all day. I woke him up when dad left and he ate his share of dinner. Now he’s watching Mixed Marshal Arts while bouncing his legs. My silly man. Well I need to head off to bed soon. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a shower and wash the dishes. Laters! Savvy?


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