Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A break in the clouds.

I took Brett to his appointment at the orthopedist. Where the doctor informed us that the tendons at the end of his hamstring were aggravated and a cortisone should fix everything. So he got the shot, and I manage to convince the doctor to at least give him something stronger than an aspirin till the pain goes away.

We then went to see my grandmother only to find out that my mom and dad had brought my nephew up to grandma's while they cleaned out the garage for her. So a simple lunch with my grandma turned into a cluster fuck and Brett and I getting further proof of why we shouldn't leave any kids we have in the future with my mom for any period of time.

We went out to Old Country Buffet and ate well. Then we skittered out to go pick up our meds, they had finally straitened mine out. My dosage gets upped tomorrow. Not looking forward to that. We got home and settled down for the evening. We had pizza for dinner, I got the trash out before it got dark. Yay me! I also managed to get a load of laundry done, and get a much needed shower. Tomorrow It's supposed to start raining again for days, so I'm not going to be able to laundry again for a while.

I have to deal with the company president tomorrow. I managed to avoid having to be at work and dealing with her today, but I have no excuse for tomorrow. Nor can we afford any more days off. *sigh* I think I can pretend to be someone I'm not for 9 hours tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it in the least.

I wish I knew why the president of the company doesn't like me so much. I get along great with the vice president and everyone else that isn't a regular back stabber or can actually keep it all in the toilet when they go to the rest room. Yeah, we have problems with that at work. We know who it is that is doing it, but can't call them out on it. Gross I know.

At least it was nice out today, which made the drive home pleasant. Brett has to walk around with a cane for a little while longer, but eventually everything will right it's self and he can go without it. At least that's what we were told. I hope so, because I hate to see my Brett in pain.

Well I need to get up earlier than normal tomorrow so I can put on makeup. Grr. I want to use makeup when I feel like it, not when I'm being forced to.

Also check out Failblog.org Brett and I were giggling over it today and sending each other failblog videos. It's worth the look see. Laters! Savvy?


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