Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sleeping with Tsubaki.

For the past 3 days I have been sick. I haven't been sick to the point where I had to stay home more than a day for years. It's not been fun. I've felt like crap and been bored out of my mind. You'd think with unlimited access to the net, I would find a way to entertain myself. Not so really. Since I got sick. I moved Tsubaki into my bedroom with me. The way I have things set up I just set her off to the other side of the bed and go to sleep. So I've been sleeping with Tsubaki. Lazy I know.

As much as I love skipping out of work, I'd rather go to work and deal with the company president that feel as bad as I did these past days. That's sad isn't it. I promise I wasn't playing hooky. I really was sick. I'm feeling much better now, though I would like to get rid of these headaches.

They finally got my meds straitened out. It works well for me. From what I can see I have no more shakes. Which I am very happy about. Stupid CVS with assuming things instead of asking questions.

We aren't able to get the house we wanted. We are sad about it, but we knew it was a possibility so we are ok with it. I keep trucking on. Which also means annoy Brett with house prospects. He's been a trouper though. He's got a part time job as the IRL writer for the Examiner. It doesn't pay much, but he's getting published and that could lead him to other things in the future. I'm proud of him for getting the job.

I tried to find a clean video chat place. I found out there isn't one. Though there are designated places for the pervs, they still lurk around the normal ones. I wanted to reach out to the outside world after being locked up for 3 days, and to test Tsubaki's webcam, so Rory became the star of the show. It's kind of hard for a guy to say show me your tits when they are looking at a sleeping cat. I did get a few normal people that wanted to just talk. One turned her camera on her cat so I could see it. But all in all it was a bad experience and I have to resign myself to the fact that there is no chat place that is pervert free.

Well I'm tired so I think I'll drift off to sleep. Laters! Savvy?


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