Friday, April 17, 2009

A cat's leap of faith.

Lands him right on my sleeping husband. Yes Shank was using Brett as a trampoline last night. No clue why, maybe he thought he was taking up his space, or he's just feeling better. I don't know but he kept leaping from the pedestal to the bed, even after Brett got up. It shook the bed so it started ticking me off. Maybe I should explain. My oldest cat Crookshanks, Shank for short, weights 16lbs. He is no longer a fat cat, that's all muscle. He's a little bulldozer. And my bed is a antique Iron bed with the original box springs. Which makes for an ultra bouncy bed. Now factor in a 16lb cat jumping on it from about 3 feet away and you get a very bouncy bed and a not so happy me. He's a little fart.

We are bringing Shiner home for the weekend. I feel like a divorced parent with weekend visits. But she just can't stand to be alone. Mom tells me she is green from running in the yard after it was mowed, so she gets yet another bath. I don't want green dog in my bed. Then I will have green sheets, and that's not fun. Since it didn't rain yesterday and it won't till next week, I can pick up doing the laundry and take an actual shower, not just a run and scrub. I need to get caught back up with the laundry, and we need a long dry spell to do it. It's supposed to be nice out, so I might save the electric bill some and hang some clothes out to dry on the line. Never did that before. Kind of looking forward to it.

It seems the more I blog the less everyone else does. But if I don't for a while there is a bombardment of other bloggers. It's just weird. Also, since I have this new fancy blog, I've noticed I still haven't gotten many visitors. That sucks, but I hope more people will visit soon.

I'm feeling better today, I think it was getting out in the sun after so many days of gloom. Even if all I was doing was trudging around a soggy yard, picking up sticks. Rory really liked me opening up the sliding doors so she could smell the smells through the screen.

As for the house hunt, still hunting. *sigh* It's the Chinese hell of house hunting. Sorry, I watched Big Trouble In Little China last night. Well that's all for now. Laters! Savvy?



  1. You'll find a good house, don't worry. Just don't give up on it, k? 'Cause I'm looking forward to helping you guys move in and getting Katelin settled in. >^_^< Give much lovins to all the critters for me, including Brett lol.

    By the way, when did you start smoking a pipe? I agree they smell a LOT better than cigars and cigarettes; always wanted to try one hehe. Anyway, this is getting bookmarked and I'll check in from time to time. Ciao!


  2. @Katie- Thanks! *hug* I was hoping for something more than what we can aford. Reality is a bitch sometimes. And I think I started smoking a pipe when Brett did, since it was something we agreed could be done indoors. I like it, next time we hang out we might go get you one and I can show you how it works. Oh and congrats for posting the first comment on my blog! ^_^
