Saturday, April 18, 2009

A day of sun and snoozing.

It was such a nice day today. It started out a little chilly but it warmed up nicely. I opened up the windows and the cats loved it. Though we have people living around us, it was fairly quiet, except for the douche that lives across the street that thinks the should keep the bass blaring and rev his hamsterwheel engine an obscene amount of times.

After a nice shower, I headed out to the store, then to whitecastle to get some sliders for dinner. Shiner got a few fries out of the deal. I really hate shopping on Saturdays, but sometimes you just gotta. Brett made fun of my organic milk that I bought. I bet if I put it in a normal milk jug, he wouldn't notice a difference. Is it so wrong to buy organic stuff. Pretty sure that cow that gave the milk, gets treated a lot better than most of the normal dairy cows.

Don't have that many complaints today, it was nice and a good day. And other than getting flipped off by an asshat on the way home, there really weren't any bad spots. I took a nap with Shiner while I watched racing stuff with Brett. My meds are still causing the shakes, but it does make me buzzed on smaller amounts of booze, so that's a plus I guess.

My aunt decided that she can't get the mower to start, so she hired someone to mow the yard. the guy is nice and he spared the flowers growing by the deck, which is good because the tulip by the door finally bloomed and is a pretty red-orange color. I was going to put some clothes out on the line to dry, but I didn't get to it today. Shopping wears me out. I don't know how people without cars do it. I usually fill my trunk up with stuff. They must have to go to the store every couple of days. That would suck.

Brett would like me to stay up for the F1 race with him, but I don't know if I'll last that long. I might pass out on the couch before that. His car is acting up and we are trying to figure out why. I already dumped $100 into a bad diagnosis, I just hope he can find out Monday.

Well Shiners going to be wondering where I ran off to here soon, so I better go join her on the couch. Laters! Savvy?


1 comment:

  1. We need to hang out again soon. *nods* So what's Brett's car doing? I can't guarantee that I could tell you what's wrong with it, but I'm pretty sure I could get it in to school, that way your only cost is for parts, which we get pretty good discounts on from Napa. >^_^< Let me know, k?
